Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rebinding a Book: Part Two.

Well, sleep is avoiding me, do I will finish up my post on rebinding a book.

When I last left you, I had removed the sections, and tried to glue them into one cohesive section.
As you can see, it worked out fairly well in the goal of making one sections. Relatively smooth and even, especially compared to its older state.
After I finished this sections, I had to put the section into the book cover, and glue it together. I applied my webcam-clamp like before, and applied my own pressure. Here is the result!
The section I added was on the right hand side of the picture-you can see a line about halfway through the book which is where the section stops. The job wasn't perfect, but it did succeed in gaining a few extra serviceable years out of this book.

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