Saturday, March 8, 2008

Texans Want a Change in Leadership!

Fellow Texans,
In the past day, the amount of visits to this website has been multiplied by 9. This should show us, and Senator Dan Patrick something: Texans are ready for a change in leadership styles! We don't want someone who claims to be a "freethinker", and then tries to force his "free-thinking" on everybody else. We don't want a leader who leads, not by example or persuasion, but by threats and bullying others. Texans want Change! Texans want "Honorable Leadership", not someone who wants to use his office to settle some old political scores, not someone who will do anything to keep power rather than do what is best for Texas and its people! To Dan Patrick: Your days in office are numbered! To everyone who supports freedom, democracy, and the American Way: join Texans for Honorable Leadership, and then tell all your friends about it, and all your friends' friends! We will stop this tyrannical rule by Dan Patrick!

Got to to join.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Money in Politics

I frequently hear people complain about the amount of money politicians raise and spend, and the influence of special interests that give a ton. I disagree about fund-raising being a problem. In fact. I believe that people out to give more money. Americans have spent more on Coke in the last quarter than they have spent in the last 20 years on electing a good, competent government. No wonder people always complain about politicians! If every American contributed just $10 a month, that would be over $3,000,000,000! That would bring the amount of money raised for a campaign year to over $36,000,000,000! (By comparison, the election are only expected to cost $2,000,000,000, for every single local, state, and national race combined.) If this kind of money is going around, how much influence the rich "fat cats" and special interests will have?

Source for statistics:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It is finished!

It is finished, the battle is over. Mike Huckabee has dropped out from the Presidential race, which ends my fight on his behalf.