Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cornyn releases new website!

On Monday, the John Cornyn campaign will release their newly redesigned website. This will be in conjunction with the release of several tv ads, that you will be able to view on the website. As a Blogger For Cornyn, I was granted access to the new site, and can assure you that it looks like it will be a much better thought out design from the original. If you have a blog and would like to become a Blogger For Cornyn, and have your blog added to the blogroll, then email: with the name of your blog, and its URL.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th: A Nation Remembers--Or Does It?

Today is the 7th anniversary of the heinous attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. A few years ago on this day, thousands of people died in a cowardly attack. Life came to a standstill. Businesses closed. Everybody went home, and wondered if they were safe. I remember the sound of military jets and helicopters flying overhead all night. America was united as it had not been since WWII. We went to war with the guilty parties, George Bush had higher approval ratings than any President in history. For several years, on this day all America would stop what they were doing, and remember the dead. We would renew our resolve to hunt down and kill those responsible. But that has been changing. Today, few people even paused for a moment to remember the fallen heroes. If I had not checked the date, I would never have known that anything tragic had ever happened on this day. America has forgotten. America has gotten comfortable again. We are back to the invincible mindset we had before. I wish I could say today that America remembers, but I cannot. America, for the vast majority, has forgotten. America needs to remember.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

McCain is ahead!!!!

According to Gallup's daily tracking poll, John McCain is now ahead by 3 points!! This is surprising from just a few days ago when he was down by 7. But, as I mentioned in my last post, more people watched the RNC than the DNC, which should (and did) result in positive movement for the GOP.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

McCain nearing Obama in polls

McCain is only 2 points (on average) behind Obama! Just 4 days ago, he was behind by 7. John McCain also set a world record by having more people listen to a single political speech than any other time in American history. He had 4 million more people watching than did the Olympic Opening. The convention averaged having 4 million a night more than the Democratic Convention. And 10 million more than the average night of American Idol. So, John McCain is generating interest, which usually results in positive movement.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Go RNC!!!!!!

I have been watching the festivities tonight with some apprehension about Sarah Palin would do in the spotlight, and I must say, Sarah Palin is ready for the primetime! She hit her speech out of the park. Romney laid down a very powerful economic speech, which Huckabee then followed up with a very good speech, ending with a very emotionally gripping story, and connecting as only he can. Giuliani was next, and was very aggressive, overall a great speech. He was even able to get in a bitter reference! And then Palin got up to speak, and just did incredibly well! Overall, a great night!