Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Huckabee Is Gaining Traction!

Well y'all,
I am very pleased to report that Mike Huckabee is on the move with fund raising, and steadily climbing in the polls! In Iowa he has moved into a solid second place (according to a CBS poll to be released on Wednesday he is only 6 points behind Mitt Romney), while nationally he is in a virtual tie for third place! Many leading conservatives say that Huckabee is unelectable and can't beat Hillary Rotten Clinton. However, according to Rasmussen Reports, Huckabee polls only three points behind Hillary, well within the margin of error. If all the people who say that they like him but that he can't win would just be quiet and get to work for him, he would win in a landslide election!


Unknown said...


First of all I'd like to say thank you for running a pro-Huckabee blog. It is thanks to the efforts of dedicated citizens like you that Mr. Huckabee has been rising rapidly in the polls.

The reason I am writing you is to inform you of my own effort. I have created a website, Nov20ForTheChildren.com, challenging every Huckabee supporter to give $100 or more on November 20th (Children's Day). Check it out and then, if it is not too much trouble, would you do a shot writeup about the effort and post it on your blog? Be sure to link to http://Nov20ForTheChildren.com and together we can make a big impact on this date.

If you have any questions/concerns, please email me at webmaster@nov20forthechildren.com

Thank you for your time and efforts,
Thaddeus Billman

P.S. There are also some banners ads to support this effort at http://Nov20ForTheChildren.com/promote.htm in case you want to place a graphical link to the site.

wcsl said...

Giuliani is ultimately not electable. John McCain is the legitimate front runner for the Republicans. He is also a dangerous threat to American freedoms, and should not be thought of as out of the race.

Please continue to write about him, and expose his globalist intentions.

Thank you.

wcsl said...

Giuliani is ultimately not electable. John McCain is the legitimate front runner for the Republicans. He is also a dangerous threat to American freedoms, and should not be thought of as out of the race.

Please continue to write about him, and expose his globalist intentions.

Thank you.