Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Fred Thompson Mania is Sweeping the Nation

Fred Thompson, Senator, actor, also the number 2 guy in the polls. BEFORE he even announces. Why? I thought you would never ask. The reason why, is Republicans are starving for someone more conservative than Rudolph Giuliani, John McCain, or Mitt Romney. Thompson is not as conservative as some of the other candidates, BUT he is the most conservative of the front-runners. He may be the one, however we will have to wait awhile and see.


Stephen R. Maloney said...

Hi Joshua: In answer to your question about the presidential nominee picking the V-P, I wrote the following: Joshua, the Party nominee picks the V-P nominee based on whatever influences (including members of the Party) there are on him. As I've pointed out at length (see my piece on 50 years of bad choices), the "Party nominee" generally makes a BAD choice. Our effort is to ensure he makes a better choice this time. If he makes a bad choice, it becomes a moot point, because the ticket loses. I've written that I believe the Democratic ticket will be Hillary Clinton (a woman) and Bill Richardson (an Hispanic). I don't believe our usual ticket of two older white guys can defeat a Clinton-Richardson ticket.


steve maloney

Stephen R. Maloney said...

Why is Fred Thompson waiting so long (and perhaps creating problems with election finance law) to declare? Fred would be 67 years old at the time of the 2008 election and it appears unlikely he would run for another term if elected. When I read the "Wikipedia" article on him, I thought, "Oh, oh." His record is not especially conservative. We shall see.


Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs said...

Thompson isn't actually much of a conservative. He's just an uncompassionate moderate. Republicans are looking for an unapologetic conservative though. I think Thompson is going to sputter out and Huckabee's stock will continue to rise.
