Saturday, May 16, 2009

Christians in Politics-Introduction

Well, I have finished another semester. I took 21 hours this semester, which is why I have not had time to write. However, life is slowing down now, and there is a topic that I am going to start exploring. This topic is the relationship between Christians and politics. What is the role that Christians should play in politics? Is being involved in politics really the best way to change things? Is being in politics even biblical? These are the questions that I am going to start answering over the next few posts.


Sharon DuVall said...

Christians were very much in politics. When you read about our forefathers, practically everyone of them were Christians. This nation was founded on Christianity. Get the DVD Serious by David Barton, American Heritage. Awesome documents and info. For a President to say we are not a Christian Nation shows you how much he knows. He don't want us to be a Christian nation. We have been misled and brain washed in regards Separation of Church and State. It isn't written in the Constitution. But Government wanted God out of the White House, Capitol, etc. So they have twisted our Constitution and they are still doing it until they can have Government control. We are seeing it fold right in front of us. WE THE PEOPLE, need to stand up and stop them.

Joshua Hebert said...

What I was writing about (and ended up abandoning, at least temporarily) was not the political ability for Christians to be in politics, but rather I was looking from the theological side.