Jesus, crucified by the Romans, is the Christ, the Son of God, and inaugurated the Kingdom of God on earth by rising to life, defeating death, and will complete His reign over the earth at His Second Coming when He resurrects all of the faithful.
The Bible is God’s self-revelation to man. It is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. All arguments must be firmly grounded in the text using proper hermeneutical method (proper interpretation), not just mere proof-texting.
The title, “Christ,” has political ramifications that are not widely considered by the typical evangelical Christian. He is the King of the Kingdom of God , which is not just a “spiritual kingdom”.
The Kingdom of God is constantly contrasted with the kingdom of this world (The Kingdom of Darkness) in Scripture. Jesus rules the KoG in perfect justice, Satan rules the KoD in his own selfish way—using people to accomplish his rebellion against God.
There is a difference between the god of the civil religion of the United States and the true God of the Bible. Furthermore, the Republican Party is not Christian, nor is it the guardian of Christianity.
Christian beliefs often are in conflict with the political philosophies of the nation (or the Republican Party), seen in areas such as war, Illegal Immigration, environmentalism, and caring for the poor.