Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lets keep the momentum going!

Well y'all,
After Huck's win in Iowa momentum is on our side! The money has started to pour in like it never has! Grassroots membership is up, and peoples interest in learning about Huckabee is on the rise. (My readership almost doubled after the election.) So I would encourage you to do 3 things. First, is to take the pledge at the pledge is to give just $25 if 10,000 people sign up for the pledge. The second thing is to actually donate as much as you can afford. You can use this link: Please go to the contribute tab, and when you donate please enter donor code: R292 because for every dollar donated through that donor code, I will pas out one flyer. This is a challenge for y'all to work on. So far I have raised $15, and passed out 15 fliers. The third thing is to spread the word about Huckabee to your friends and family. So, lets get busy!

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