Friday, January 25, 2008

Moratorium on GOP Earmarks!

Minority Leader John Boehner of the House of Representatives has proposed a 1 year moratorium on earmarks by Republicans. This is a great idea! the only question is: Why do we even have to propose this? Why isn't it already a standing rule with Republicans?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Exit Polls From South Carolina

There are some interesting results from S.C. exit polls. Mike Huckabee won among people who considered themselves very conservative 38% to McCain's 19%. But among independents McCain won with 39%. Is the winner, with all the independent voters, representative of the Republican party? Most probably not.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Will Michigan knock McCain off stride?

As I am watching the returns, it looks like Romney is going to win, if so, will this knock John McCain off of his new found stride that he gained in the NH Primary? Tell me what you think.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A New Era in Politics?

Well my friends,
After the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, I am starting to think that one of The Truths of Politics has started to fail. Actually a few of them.
The first and main one is The Truth that negative campaigning works. Both of these elections have been won by the victim of the attacks rather than the attacker. Does this show that negative campaigning is losing its potency. I hope so! I don't mind Republicans going negative on Democrats, but I do mind Republicans going negative on each other. I guess I believe in Reagan's 11th commandment for Republicans, which is "Thou shalt not speak ill of any Republican". I believe that this applies in all but a few cases, such as a RINO like Rudy Giuliani. Negative ads if unsuccessful only hurt the nominee who survived them. It is also harder to support the nominee is only a few months earlier you were attacking him. I want candidates to tell me why they should be the President, not why the other guy shouldn't be the President.
The second Truth that is being questioned is that a candidate has to have loads of to run a successful campaign. This is being disproved by Mike Huckabee who has seen incredible gains in the amount of support while spending a fraction of what the other campaigns are spending.
In closing, it is time for things to change, and it is looking like 2008 will be the year to start the change!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

My challenge!

Well, since I cannot legally donate to Huckabee, I have thought of a challenge for people. For every dollar someone donates using my donor code, I will pass out 1 flier that I have had printed. So far I have raised $15 and passed out 15 fliers. Will you help spread the word?

Donor Code: R292

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lets keep the momentum going!

Well y'all,
After Huck's win in Iowa momentum is on our side! The money has started to pour in like it never has! Grassroots membership is up, and peoples interest in learning about Huckabee is on the rise. (My readership almost doubled after the election.) So I would encourage you to do 3 things. First, is to take the pledge at the pledge is to give just $25 if 10,000 people sign up for the pledge. The second thing is to actually donate as much as you can afford. You can use this link: Please go to the contribute tab, and when you donate please enter donor code: R292 because for every dollar donated through that donor code, I will pas out one flyer. This is a challenge for y'all to work on. So far I have raised $15, and passed out 15 fliers. The third thing is to spread the word about Huckabee to your friends and family. So, lets get busy!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Huckabee Won!!!

Well y'all,
Huckabee has won in Iowa. Even after Mitt Romney went REALLY negative. People say that going negative is the way to win, but it didn't tonight. Is this the start of a new era in American politics?