My friends,
Mike Huckabee is gaining traction! However, to keep this momentum going, he needs money. I have signed up as a Huckabee Ranger, and agreed to try and raise $100. I would ask that if you can give $1 (a buck for Huck), $5, or $10 to please contribute. If we want to control politics, instead of a few fat cats who cut $2,300 checks, then we NEED to contribute. So if you want to help control politics and elect the right man for the job, then follow this link and give until it hurts!!!!
Help spread the word about Mike Huckabee!
On December 29th there will be a national effort to raise awareness about Mike Huckabee and his campaign for President.
Grab your signs, shirts and other Mike Huckabee for President materials and get out. Run, walk, bike, march or drive around in a public place where you live. Let's make sure that anyone that travels on December 29th sees a Mike Huckabee for President sign.
It was something I came up with. There was very little talk about Huckabee at the time. With campaign focusing so hard on some of the early and larger States I wanted to get a jump in some of the other Super Tuesday and later States.
This effort is entirely run by volunteers. It is now called "I Like Mike Day", a name another volunteer came up with and will be on December 29th.
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