I will be writing about the negative points of all the Republican Presidential Candidates over the next few days, or weeks. I will only talk about announced candidates; I will discuss them in descending order from Gallup Polls.
The Case against Rudy Giuliani
I have many reasons for disliking Rudy. I will start with abortion. Rudy says he personally doesn’t like them. HOWEVER, he says he will uphold a woman’s “right to choose”. (Whatever). Major problem. Being opposed to abortion is one of the key values of the Republican Party. However, Rudy says it would be ok if Roe v. Wade was upheld. Again, major problem. Yes, I do use Abortion as a litmus test.
Next, is Gay Rights. Rudy says he favors Civil Unions, and all other “rights”. This is not so much a Republican issue, as it is a Christian issue. It is estimated by the NEP that Christians cast about one third of Dubya’s votes in 2004. Without them Senator John Kerry would be President John Kerry. With gay rights and abortion, Giuliani would be unable to convince the “Religious Right” to vote for him.
Next, is Gun Control. Rudy is Anti-Gun. There are 80 million (Yes, million) gun owners in America. That is a large chunk of voters. Enough said.
Another problem is his unfaithfulness to his wife. If he was disloyal to her, nothing would keep him from being disloyal to Republicans.
Also, He was Mayor of one of the most liberal places in the U.S. I don't believe voters in the South won’t trust him.
In short, Giuliani is not the man.
1 comment:
I believe Rudy Giuliani WILL be the nominee of the Republican Party. He is ahead because of his stance on the War on Terror and his great record as Mayor of New York.
If I had my druthers, the nominee would be Mike Huckabee. Right now, he's a longshot but longshots have won the nomination before (including one other guy from Arkansas). Mike needs to do well in the Ames Straw Poll, which would help him raise more money.
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