Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Case Against Mitt Romney

Well y'all, it is time to get after "Pretty Boy Mitt". The first issue is his rather convenient change of position on political issues. Now I can understand changing your mind, but when it is just a couple of years before you plan to run for President is just too much for me to believe.

Next, is his support of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Not only is that an unconstitutional position, but also goes against a long time strong point of the GOP, which is protection of our gun rights.

Next, is the fact that he was Governor of Massachusetts. How can a Republican be Governor of one of the most liberal places in America (Their entire Congressional Delegation is Democratic) claim to be a true conservative?

Last, is the problem of him being a Mormon, according to NEP, Evangelical Christians cast about a third of W's vote in 2004. Without them, Senator Kerry would be President Kerry. I don't think a Mormon could excite them like Bush did.

In closing, Mitt Romney has lots of good points (I will write about them in a few weeks), I don't believe he is "The One".


Stephen R. Maloney said...

Hi (Joshua) Dear Supporter of Mike Huckabee and Similar Candidates:

If you like Mike Huckabee's candidacy for President, you'll also like Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's candidacy for Vice-President on the Republican Ticket. Sarah is an absolutely remarkable elected official, the nation's most popular state official.

I urge you to read Fred's laudatory piece about Sarah in The Weekly Standard, available by clicking on the following link: The Most Popular Governor

he says the following:

"The wipeout in the 2006 election left Republicans in such a state of dejection that they’ve overlooked the one shining victory in which a Republican star was born. The triumph came in Alaska where Sarah Palin, a politician of eye-popping integrity, was elected governor. She is now the most popular governor in America, with an approval rating in the 90s, and probably the most popular public official in any state.

Her rise is a great (and rare) story of how adherence to principle–especially to transparency and accountability in government–can produce political success. And by the way, Palin is a conservative who only last month vetoed 13 percent of the state’s proposed budget for capital projects. The cuts, the Anchorage Daily News said, “may be the biggest single-year line-item veto total in state history.”

Here's what I recently wrote about Sarah on my blog: Campaign2008VictoryA (reachable at http://camp2008victorya.blogspot.com/)

"If the Democrats had a Sarah Palin -- which they don't -- she'd be up on stage battling it out with Hillary, Barack, and John. When the Democrats have someone who's highly electable, they put him or her out there in front of the nation -- as they did at the convention with Obama. We Republicans have a lot to learn when it comes to highlighting candidates like Sarah (and Michael Steele and Mike Huckabee and J. C. Watts)."

The mother of four, Sarah is ardently pro-life.

Frankly, if we Republicans are to win in 2008, we have to present candidates -- plural -- who are appealing, dynamic, and diverse. Right now, we're way behind in fundraising and marginally behind in national polls. We won't overcome these deficits by pursuing "business as usual." We need to put our very best people forward.

If you want to learn more about Sarah -- or, to join the number of bloggers and others who support her candidacy for V-P-- please let me know either by e-mail (TalkTop65@aol.com) or by leaving a comment on my site.

Thanks and God bless!

Stephen R. Maloney
Ambridge, PA
National Coordinator, Palin for V-P

P.S. You can learn more about Sarah by visiting my site and, if you wish, by clicking on any of the many links to articles and supporters at Campaign2008VictoryA .

In addition to the Barnes piece, other recent articles about Sarah by important conservatives include Dimitri Vassilaros' Palin is GOP's beacon - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and Tom Koenniger's at: http://palintology.com/ Thanks for your interest.

Steve Maloney
National Coordinator, Palin 4 V-P

Stephen R. Maloney said...

Joshua, at some point I'll come back (later this week) and comment on some of your other pieces.

steve maloney
ambridge, pa
palin 4 vp national coordinator

Stephen R. Maloney said...

Hi Joshua: The best "quick" way to learn about Sarah Palin -- it's okay if you're too young to vote -- is to read the Fred Barnes article in The Weekly Standard and then to go to Wikipedia and write in Sarah Palin and read their piece about her. You can find any of the material I mention "linked" on my blog. The other Huckabee supporters who back Sarah are: OneMom.wordpress.com/, TheMaritimeSentry.blogspot.com/, OpinionatedCatholic.blogspot.com/, and all of them have written something about Sarah. A fourth site that has some recent info about Sarah is from yet another Huckabee supporter, and it's at: larryperrault.blogspot.com/ The people represented on those blogs are from: Minnesota (One Mom), Green Bay (Maritime), New Orleans (Opinionated), and Larry is from Houston. Many other states are represented among the Palin supporters. Sarah's Alaska governmental website is linked on my site. She has four children, with the oldest being a boy 18 and three girls (one about your age and the others younger). For her positions on Alaska issues (she's a governor and thus focuses on state matters), you can look at two supporter-blogs: palinforvp.blogspot.com/ (done by Adam, age 20, who started the Movement) and palintology.com/ by Trish,who worked in Sarah's gubernatorial campaign. In addition to the Barnes article, you'll find other articles by Dimitri Vassilaros and Tom Koenniger. Being a state official, Sarah has not taken a position on certain aspects of the war, although she recently visited Alaska troops in Kuwait and Iraq. Hope you'll join our group. We have two categories: "4 Palin" people, who are for Sarah heck-or-high-water and "Palin fans," who just like her a lot. You'll see both categories on my blogroll. I will comemnt on your other piece soon; I've been "under the weather" and thus behind in my obligations.

Stephen R. Maloney said...

On Romney: I think the fact of his being a Mormon should be irrelevant, just as I thought the same of John F. Kennedy's being a Catholic was irrelevant -- and Mike's being a Southern Baptist preacher should be irrelevant. We should not have a religious "test" for a candidate, although some people will vote on the basis of religion. A President of the U.S. has to be a leader of ALL people, even those in Massachusetts, which has had several Republican governors and a few Republican Senators (admittedly, back in history). Mike Huckabee has said of himself, "Yes, I'm a conservative, but that doesn't mean I'm mad at everybody." We need to keep that in mind. I don't think the second amendment says anything about assault weapons, does it? I don't think Romney's positions on key issues (including abortion and immigration) is that different from Fred Thompson's. (Note: I am not backing Mitt, but he might be a good President.)


Christian said...

I was a Romney supporter until he disapointed me greatly in the May 15 debate in Columbia, SC. I started to see how Clintonesque he is...so slick and staged, and generally lacking in believability. This was the same debate in which Huckabee wholeheartedly endorsed the FairTax in his famous "John Edwards at a beauty salon" quote.
I can't believe the ignorance portrayed in Romney's portrayal of the FairTax in the last debate. It will doom the new housing industry? Laughable by anyone remotely familiar with the tennants of the FairTax. He is either ignorant or a liar...neither of which speak well to him.
Thanks for your blog,

Laser said...

The proof of everything herein stated are Court docket records, all one need do is read the facts. Mitt Romney Bain entity benefited from $300 million fraud issues that was accomplished by admitted acts of false affidavits in Delaware Federal Courts. This Perjury is not being prosecuted because the law firm that admitted the false affidavits, Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnel (MNAT) had a partner who is now the US Attorney for Delaware, Colm F Connolly. Who is now being promoted to a Federal Judge position. It seems it is a good career move to refuse to prosecute your partners, associates and clients of your firm. Wonder how much more will happen once Romney gets elected President?