Wednesday, July 30, 2008

17 Years Old=Second Class Citizen

Memo to Senators Kay Baily Hutchinson, John Cornyn, Congressman Mike McCaul, and respective staff personnel (as well as all other interested parties):
I am fed up with being a second class citizen because I am not 18! Allow me explain: I must pay taxes, but I cannot vote (taxation without representation); I can earn money, but I can't invest said money; I can buy a book, but I can't sell a book; I can put money in a bank account, but I can't take it out; I can buy a cell phone, but can't get service for it; I am taxed, but I can't voluntarily contribute to a campaign; I could go on and on, but I will stop. And BTW all of this is because of either State or Federal Law. Either don't do things like tax me, or allow me to have the privileges of citizenship as well!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Texas is Not A Battleground State!

I apologize for not posting the last few days, i have been visiting two of my brothers, and my sister. Now, back to what I wanted to talk about. A few days ago (While I was gone) the DSCC put up a landing page on their site that said "11 Battleground States" and Texas did not make the cut! I would link you to it, but they took it down after realizing that they were admitting that they had lost already.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rick Noriega Flip-Flops on Energy

Well my friends,
After months of saying that we cannot "drill our way out of this problem" of high gas prices by drilling offshore and in ANWR, Rick Noriega has flip-flopped. He has now stated that he IS in favor of drilling offshore, and that he would have to "Take another look" at drilling in ANWR. I guess his problem is just that he can't think of anything better than Cornyn can. Well, unless you count pulling all our military out of Iraq and then drilling there for our oil, which he advocated.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rick Noriega on Energy

Rick Noriega has just released an ad on Youtube promoting his energy policy. You can watch the video here. What this ad boils down to is, Rick Noriega has NO energy policy. He spends almost the entire video attacking John Cornyn. Just as a note, he finds that he can only spend 38 seconds talking about this extremely important issue. Of course, he says how gas prices have risen $2.64 since John Cornyn took office, but I noticed that he does not mention that $1.72 (65%) of that amount has been in the last two years, coinciding with when Democrats took power. He also says that John Cornyn has opposed alternative energy, which is an outright lie. Rick Noriega opposes drilling in ANWR, opposes nuclear energy, opposes clean coal, opposes increased refineries. He is the one who opposes creative solutions to our energy crisis. You can watch Cornyn's videos on the issue here. I encourage you to watch all of Cornyn's videos. Who do you think will be the most capable to deal with our energy problems, Senator John Cornyn, or State Representative Rick "I can't figure this out" Noriega?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

When Will Democrats Learn To Do What The American People Want?

I have been reading a lot about offshore drilling. Many people say that they will not be fully online until 25 years from now, but if we do it now instead of waiting for 25 years like last time, then they will be online when we need it. In fact, a majority of Americans (Gallup-57%; Rasmussen-62%) support offshore drilling. So when Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked if offshore drilling would be allowed to come to the House floor, she said "I have no plans to do so". This is the party of the "Common Man"? I think not. Once again, we get an example of the Pelosi Premium (See post on May 12, 2008).

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Energy Independance Week

Dear Friend,

Over the course of the next few days, our website is going to engage you and good people across our state who want to know what we can do right now about energy independence, gas prices, and more.

We will hear from experts, listen to folks who don’t necessarily have a PhD but who want common sense to win out over politics. The best ideas don’t frequently come from Washington. And we need good people engaged if we’re going to make a difference now.

I hope you’ll visit our site now by clicking here. And come back frequently for more because it’s going be changing, and growing to include lots of new info.

Now is the time to free our economy from dependence on foreign energy. Come offer ideas and discuss solutions we should be pursuing to bring energy independence to our state and country.

I look forward to your visit. Thank you.

John Cornyn
John Cornyn
U.S. Senator from Texas