Monday, May 19, 2008

The Voice of Texas

An organization, The Voice of Texas, has been founded to draft Dan Patrick for Governor. This e-mail has been circulating from their founder, John Thompson:

I just wanted to introduce myself. I am John Thompson from The Woodlands. I am a local Republican and I am sick of how liberal our party is getting. To take matters in to my own hands I started [The Voice of Texas]. The purpose for this website is to draft Senator Dan Patrick to run for Governor of Texas in 2010. As you know Governor Perry thinks he's done a great job securing the border and establishing the business tax - and he deserves another term. Is he your type of Republican?
Senator Hutchinson thinks she's done a great job ignoring Ramos and Compean, killing the border fence, and supporting McCain/Kennedy. Is she your type of Republican?
I think you understand why we need a real conservative to take control of this situation. Please join me in supporting Senator Dan Patrick. I am the only person running this group and I am turning to the local Republican clubs to get word out before the convention. I am hoping to raise some money so that we can distribute materials at the convention.

Well Mr. Thompson, I do not agree with Governor Perry or Senator Hutchinson on the issues, but what makes you think that our type of Republican uses his radio station to bash and defeat a fellow Conservative? Our type of Republican should fit the Christian principles. He should not be greedy for more power, he should not carry a grudge, he should not be lying about a another Christian on the radio. In short, Dan Patrick is not our kind of Republican.

Source: Texans for Honorable Leadership

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pelosi Premium

This is being talked about a lot, but I thought i would write about it too. When the Democrats were campaigning in 2006, Nancy Pelosi said that they would lower gas prices if elected. The average price of gas? $2.33 a gallon. The average price now? $3.72 a gallon. How much longer can Americans trust the Democrats?