Friday, August 31, 2007

Mike Huckabee Is Gaining Traction!

Well my friends, according to the latest polls from Iowa, Mike Huckabee has made John McCain a thing of the past. He also is coming up FAST on Fred Thompson. You can find the polls at

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Is John McCain being spanked for his support of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act"?

In a word, Yes. I believe that his support of S. 2611 is one of the main reasons that McCain's Campaign is collapsing. Why? Because, contrary to popular opinion, independents are not the holders of the reigns of the GOP. The people in control are conservatives. That is why McCain lost last time, he tries to appeal to the wrong group. This is not the first time that He has crossed conservatives. Being part of the "Gang of 14", working on McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform, and saying that Jerry Falwell was a "force of evil". This is only a partial list, in short, McCain does not tow the party line, and this is costing him.
Obviously, this is not the only reason for his demise, but I will save the others for another day.
In closing, I don't believe McCain will ever get the nomination, in this election or in future elections. However, his staff still has 1/2 of a year to bring things back to where they had been.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Iowa Straw Poll

Percentages are based on 14,302 total ballots cast.

Mitt Romney -- 4,516 votes, 31.6 percent

Mike Huckabee -- 2,587 votes, 18.1 percent

Sam Brownback -- 2,192 votes, 15.3 percent

Tom Tancredo --1,961 votes, 13.7 percent

Ron Paul -- 1,305 votes, 9.1 percent

Tommy Thompson -- 1,039 votes, 7.3 percent

Fred Thompson -- 203 votes, 1.4 percent

Rudy Giuliani -- 183 votes, 1.3 percent

Duncan Hunter -- 174 votes, 1.2 percent

John McCain -- 101 votes, 0.7 percent

John Cox -- 41 votes, 0.2 percent

Well y'all, I am a VERY, VERY happy person. Why? Because Mike Huckabee came in 2nd!!!!! This will help him build steam and raise more money, which of course will help him stay in the race longer. My apologies to Brownback, Tancredo, Paul, McCain, Giuliani, and Hunter.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Fred Thompson Mania is Sweeping the Nation

Fred Thompson, Senator, actor, also the number 2 guy in the polls. BEFORE he even announces. Why? I thought you would never ask. The reason why, is Republicans are starving for someone more conservative than Rudolph Giuliani, John McCain, or Mitt Romney. Thompson is not as conservative as some of the other candidates, BUT he is the most conservative of the front-runners. He may be the one, however we will have to wait awhile and see.