Friday, December 14, 2007

Who Is The True Economic Conservative?

I have been facing allegations recently, that Governor Mike Huckabee is a "tax and spend liberal". However, I believe that a candidate will run the government similar to the way he runs his campaign, which he controls totally. To illustrate my point, George Bush spent more than any candidate in history to get elected, and as President, Surprise! he spent more than any President in history. So, who among the candidates has accomplished the most with the use of the least amount of money? Mike Huckabee! So, during the next few days I will compare Huckabee's campaign with the others. First up is Fred Thompson, I know, I know, it's like beating a dead horse since he has fallen so far in the polls, but it never hurts to push him further. For starters, Fred Thompson has raised (In politics we call that donations, in government it's called taxes.) over $10,000,000 more than Huckabee. Next, Thompson has spent $5,706,367 while Huckabee has spent only $819,379. That is 6.96 times less than Thompson. So who is the "tax and spend liberal"? Last up is deficit spending, which any true conservative will agree is a bad thing. Only Ron Paul has no debt. Fred Thompson has $678,432 in debt while Huck has only $47,810 in debt. That is 14.19016942 times less than Thompson's debt. Even if you compare their debt dollar-for-dollar, Huckabee's debt is still over 2.5 times less than Thompson's. So, who is the true economic conservative? Who is the candidate who practices what he preaches? It definitely is NOT Fred Thompson!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Time to Seize the Moment!

Fellow Huckabee supporters, Mike Huckabee is the newly crowned frontrunner for the GOP nomination!

It is time to seize the moment and spread the word! On December 29th we will be having a "I Like Mike Day" to raise awareness for Huck! So, grab your shirts and signs and make sure that on the 29th everybody in America sees Pro-Huckabee material!

If you aren't a Huckabee supporter yet, then go visit

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lets raise some money!

My friends,
Mike Huckabee is gaining traction! However, to keep this momentum going, he needs money. I have signed up as a Huckabee Ranger, and agreed to try and raise $100. I would ask that if you can give $1 (a buck for Huck), $5, or $10 to please contribute. If we want to control politics, instead of a few fat cats who cut $2,300 checks, then we NEED to contribute. So if you want to help control politics and elect the right man for the job, then follow this link and give until it hurts!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Huckabee Is Gaining Traction!

Well y'all,
I am very pleased to report that Mike Huckabee is on the move with fund raising, and steadily climbing in the polls! In Iowa he has moved into a solid second place (according to a CBS poll to be released on Wednesday he is only 6 points behind Mitt Romney), while nationally he is in a virtual tie for third place! Many leading conservatives say that Huckabee is unelectable and can't beat Hillary Rotten Clinton. However, according to Rasmussen Reports, Huckabee polls only three points behind Hillary, well within the margin of error. If all the people who say that they like him but that he can't win would just be quiet and get to work for him, he would win in a landslide election!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Huckabee on Faith

Does a candidate need to have a strong faith in God to be elected? Many voters believe that the answer is "yes". If you believe that the answer is yes, then I encourage you to check out Mike Huckabee for President. This link will take you to his website:

Friday, August 31, 2007

Mike Huckabee Is Gaining Traction!

Well my friends, according to the latest polls from Iowa, Mike Huckabee has made John McCain a thing of the past. He also is coming up FAST on Fred Thompson. You can find the polls at

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Is John McCain being spanked for his support of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act"?

In a word, Yes. I believe that his support of S. 2611 is one of the main reasons that McCain's Campaign is collapsing. Why? Because, contrary to popular opinion, independents are not the holders of the reigns of the GOP. The people in control are conservatives. That is why McCain lost last time, he tries to appeal to the wrong group. This is not the first time that He has crossed conservatives. Being part of the "Gang of 14", working on McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform, and saying that Jerry Falwell was a "force of evil". This is only a partial list, in short, McCain does not tow the party line, and this is costing him.
Obviously, this is not the only reason for his demise, but I will save the others for another day.
In closing, I don't believe McCain will ever get the nomination, in this election or in future elections. However, his staff still has 1/2 of a year to bring things back to where they had been.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Iowa Straw Poll

Percentages are based on 14,302 total ballots cast.

Mitt Romney -- 4,516 votes, 31.6 percent

Mike Huckabee -- 2,587 votes, 18.1 percent

Sam Brownback -- 2,192 votes, 15.3 percent

Tom Tancredo --1,961 votes, 13.7 percent

Ron Paul -- 1,305 votes, 9.1 percent

Tommy Thompson -- 1,039 votes, 7.3 percent

Fred Thompson -- 203 votes, 1.4 percent

Rudy Giuliani -- 183 votes, 1.3 percent

Duncan Hunter -- 174 votes, 1.2 percent

John McCain -- 101 votes, 0.7 percent

John Cox -- 41 votes, 0.2 percent

Well y'all, I am a VERY, VERY happy person. Why? Because Mike Huckabee came in 2nd!!!!! This will help him build steam and raise more money, which of course will help him stay in the race longer. My apologies to Brownback, Tancredo, Paul, McCain, Giuliani, and Hunter.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Fred Thompson Mania is Sweeping the Nation

Fred Thompson, Senator, actor, also the number 2 guy in the polls. BEFORE he even announces. Why? I thought you would never ask. The reason why, is Republicans are starving for someone more conservative than Rudolph Giuliani, John McCain, or Mitt Romney. Thompson is not as conservative as some of the other candidates, BUT he is the most conservative of the front-runners. He may be the one, however we will have to wait awhile and see.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Case Against Mitt Romney

Well y'all, it is time to get after "Pretty Boy Mitt". The first issue is his rather convenient change of position on political issues. Now I can understand changing your mind, but when it is just a couple of years before you plan to run for President is just too much for me to believe.

Next, is his support of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Not only is that an unconstitutional position, but also goes against a long time strong point of the GOP, which is protection of our gun rights.

Next, is the fact that he was Governor of Massachusetts. How can a Republican be Governor of one of the most liberal places in America (Their entire Congressional Delegation is Democratic) claim to be a true conservative?

Last, is the problem of him being a Mormon, according to NEP, Evangelical Christians cast about a third of W's vote in 2004. Without them, Senator Kerry would be President Kerry. I don't think a Mormon could excite them like Bush did.

In closing, Mitt Romney has lots of good points (I will write about them in a few weeks), I don't believe he is "The One".

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Case Against John McCain

Let me start by saying that John McCain is first of all a great American. He has sacrificed tremendously for our nation. Second, he is a good senator, and finally, he is a lousy Republican.

For starters, McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance. All that did was give more power to outside groups. A lot of Republicans believe that it is a restriction of free speech. It is not the government’s job to tell it’s citizens how they can spend their money. If you think that is buying influence, then let the voters un-elect the people who are corrupted.

Next, is the problem of him joining the Dems a few years back when they were filibustering all of Bush’s Judicial nominees, and he joined a few other GOPer’s and some Dems to eliminate the “Nuclear Option”. That really ticked of a lot of Republicans.

Next up is the problem of him rubbin’ wrong with Christians. His gaffe calling Jerry Fallwell a force of evil, I believe will still haunt him this election cycle. As I said in “The case against Rudy” NEP estimates that Christians made up about one third of George Bush’s vote. They are crucial to win an election.

Finally, there is a large amount of truth to the claims that McCain is not a true conservative, major problem.

In short, I don’t believe McCain is the man.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Case Against Rudy Giuliani

I will be writing about the negative points of all the Republican Presidential Candidates over the next few days, or weeks. I will only talk about announced candidates; I will discuss them in descending order from Gallup Polls.

The Case against Rudy Giuliani

I have many reasons for disliking Rudy. I will start with abortion. Rudy says he personally doesn’t like them. HOWEVER, he says he will uphold a woman’s “right to choose”. (Whatever). Major problem. Being opposed to abortion is one of the key values of the Republican Party. However, Rudy says it would be ok if Roe v. Wade was upheld. Again, major problem. Yes, I do use Abortion as a litmus test.

Next, is Gay Rights. Rudy says he favors Civil Unions, and all other “rights”. This is not so much a Republican issue, as it is a Christian issue. It is estimated by the NEP that Christians cast about one third of Dubya’s votes in 2004. Without them Senator John Kerry would be President John Kerry. With gay rights and abortion, Giuliani would be unable to convince the “Religious Right” to vote for him.

Next, is Gun Control. Rudy is Anti-Gun. There are 80 million (Yes, million) gun owners in America. That is a large chunk of voters. Enough said.

Another problem is his unfaithfulness to his wife. If he was disloyal to her, nothing would keep him from being disloyal to Republicans.

Also, He was Mayor of one of the most liberal places in the U.S. I don't believe voters in the South won’t trust him.

In short, Giuliani is not the man.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Huckabee For President

Well y'all, I am really starting to think that Mike Huckabee is the man for the job. I will volunteer for his campaign when the time comes.
He was Lt. Governor, and Governor of Arkansas. He was also a Baptist minister, and he was President of the Arkansas Baptist Convention. Anyhow, I have got to go, but I will write more about Huckabee later.